Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Copenhagen to Zurich

The first thing I noticed was that the Copenhagen airport has an odd-looking unenclosed smoking area. It reminded me of a row of phone booths in the terminal, but instead of talking on phones, the people standing there were smoking. Next, I tried to take the train from Kastrup to the Copenhagen central station, but I went the wrong way and ended up in Malmo. I got that figured out and made it to the Copenhagen Hbf. to catch the train to Hamburg.

The Hamburg train went on to a ferry at one point, and we had about a 45-60 minute ferry ride on the Scandlines ferry to Germany. The wind must have been about 40-50 m.p.h. on deck. I didn't get the name of the boat, but I noticed 1541040 printed on the deck and also saw plenty of 50-person inflatable lifeboats while I walked around the boat. A young man from England or Northern Ireland sitting across from me on the train seemed angry and scowled the whole trip as he read his book. A Danish couple nearby had a cute little boy who was happily playing with his toy cars.

We got to Hamburg exactly on time and had 8 minutes between our 20:16 arrival and the 20:24 departure of the City Night Line from Hamburg to Zurich. I made it to Zurich fine the next morning, but I didn't really sleep on the train.

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